A Good Field Day Plan is a Must Have! This year more than ever we will need to put on our superhero capes and rise to the occasion to meet the many different safety protocols that our school initiates. So many questions to think about! Will we be in person? Will we be virtual? Will we be both? Will we be wearing masks? Will we have minimal equipment? Will sanitizing equipment be required? We we be full day, half day or a combination of this? Feeling overwhelmed? Remember, we do field day for our kids! For most PE teachers this is a huge challenge planning, implementing, setting up, cleaning up.... but we do it because it gives our students a fabulous end of the year activity that they LOVE! Want to learn more about organizing a field day?  Need new ideas for this year's field day? The Ultimate Field Day is a perfect planning tool to get you started. The energetic, prep free and easy to use stations will become some of your all time Field Day activities. Not at school? Then chec...