Are you struggling to get a plan of attack to implement your volleyball unit?  30 years ago I was right there with you.  I felt like I spent more time trying to get organized and planning how to implement a unit that I was distracted from the important part of  teaching the skills and knowledge needed to learn the game of volleyball. You know the song, "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun", well that should be kids just wanna have fun!  It has taken me several, well lots of years to come up with a plan that students absolutely love. As we all know when kids are happy and engaged the results are amazing! There is so much to think about when teaching volleyball. If you break it down and start small you will give the students the power to feel successful and the thirst to want more.  An example of a daily outline to follow could include: Fitness Focus -Warm Up Activity - Pick a fitness skill of the day.  If our warm up was going to be push up tag then our focus is upper body strength.  Vo...